Friday, December 11, 2015

Well...hello again!

It's been way too long my friends!  I know I haven't posted in quite some time now.  However, I believe I needed a season of growing spiritually and until this moment, I wasn't sure when to start the study again.

The time has come and I'm feeling refreshed and ready to dive into God's Word again.  For the time being, that's what I feel like we need to studying...God's Word.  Let's open our Bibles and study His Word.

The following verse was on my heart today and I wanted to share it with you all!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  -Isaiah 41:10

It's very difficult not to worry, not to be afraid of the future...especially for our kids with autism.  I get it.  There are numerous amounts of worry and fear that can and will over take us if we allow them.   However, we have the capability of releasing this worry and anxiety back into the hands of God.  He is in control of everything.  He is stronger than everything and every situation that may be in our lives.  He wants us to rely on Him.  He's waiting for us to ask.  

So, today, my prayer is that we can all let go of our worries, concerns, and anxiety and give it to God.  Trust in Him.  Know that He will direct our paths and guide us.  He will be there with us as we go through all the storms that life brings us.  We just have to look for Him.  

Giving God control of our worries, allows us and frees us to do things that God needs us to do.  What good are we going to do today for our children, our spouses, our family and friends if we are worried as to what will happen tonight, tomorrow or years from now.  I know for me, when I am worried, I have very little patience for anyone.  How can I be a light for God if my lack of patience signs through brighter than the light?

Most importantly, giving God control of our worries, shows Him how strong our faith is in Him and how much we trust in Him.  

Let's give it a try.  Every time worry/anxiety creeps into your head, before you let it take any control over you, pray.  Give it to God.  Then, take Isaiah 41:10 and write it down on an index card.  Carry it with you throughout the day to remind you of God's promise to you.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for bringing this study back together and placing it on our hearts to dive into your Word. Today, we give you our worries, our fears and our concerns that we may carry especially those that concern about children with autism.  Help us remember that we can always come to You and that You will give us peace.

*  If you have a prayer request or a praise report, I encourage you to post them under the sections titled "Prayer Corner" or "Praise Report".  We'd love to join you in prayer.  We'd also love to praise God for the blessings you are seeing in your life!  Also, if God has placed something on your heart after reading the verse from today's post, please share in the comments section below!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Wrapping Up The Five Love Languages of Children

(Below are Nicole's thoughts on Chapter 11 and 12, as well as the Epilogue for The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Chapman, M.D.  Please know that what we all learn from a study is usually different.  We'd love to hear your thoughts on this as well!)

This week, I want to wrap up this study of The Five Love Languages.  The book has provided a lot of great tips on how to discover our children's love languages as well as how to deal with anger and so much more.  Chapters 11 and 12 discuss Single-Parenting and Marriage.  There was a lot of great information and strategies on how we can feel our own love tanks as well as our spouses so that we can do the same for our children.

Here are the points that impacted me the most:


*  Everything we've said about loving your children is true, whether they reside with one parent or two.  There are many added dimensions in single-parenting families, yet the power of the five love languages is no less.  (p.  163)

*  No matter what your situation, if you are a parent raising your children alone, we know you can effectively show love to your family, particularly by speaking your children's primary love language. (p. 164)

*  If children receive the right kinds of love at times when they especially need it, they can come through the pains of family separation intact and go on to satisfying adult lives.  (p. 172)

*  A single-parent's emotional need for love is just as real as anyone else's need.  Because that need cannot be met by the former spouse or by the child, the single parent often reaches out to friends.  (p. 173)


*  To feel loved and to strengthen your child's sense of being loved, you need to speak your spouse's primary love language as well.  (p. 178)

*  Speak each other's primary love language regularly and you will see a profound difference in the emotional climate between the two of you.  With full love tanks you are better able to fill your children's love tanks.  We believe you will find your marriage and family life much more enjoyable.  (p. 188)


*  No matter what your situation is now or will be in the future, God will never forsake you.  He will always be there for you and see you through to the end.  As you raise your children, there are opportunities to develop the spiritual aspects of their lives and your own.  (p. 194)

I especially loved what the authors included on page 194:

    The Old Testament prophet Isaiah, declaring God's words, wrote:
     Fear not, for I am with you;
     Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
     I will strengthen you,
     Yes, I will help you.
     I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

I hope you enjoyed this study as much as I did.  I learned so much from this book.  I believe the most  important thing I've learned about helping our children always feel loved is that we need to constantly fill their love tanks by speaking their love languages.  This will equip them to handle all that live throws at them.